What Peter Pan Wants for Christmas

Part of the What They Want for Christmas Series
An adventure around Walt Disney World featuring interviews with Disney Characters

I don’t see Peter Pan in the parks often. No one does. He’s always flying around Fantasyland so quickly that he’s easy to miss. Some people are social butterflies. Peter’s more like the cat that runs from one room to another. Maybe it’s for a good reason, but probably not (and definitely not for any reason humans are capable of understanding).

I caught Peter trying to escape a group of angry adults just outside of Be Our Guest restaurant. I had a morning Mine Train to catch, so I knew my happenstance meeting seemed like more than a coincidence. But I had to ask him the same question I’d been asking all the residents of Walt Disney World.

“Say, Pete, what are you hoping to get for Christmas?” I fired the question at him.

Disney's Peter Pan | Mouse and Castle

“Oh, I’ve been thinking about this a lot, lately. After giving it a lot of thought it seemed like the best thing would be slingshots!” he returned without taking a single breath. “And not just one, twelve. Yeah! Twelve slingshots! One for every month!”

Pan has a way of making me feel like I’m 12 again, and questioning my current stock and supply of slingshots! It was then Pan’s face turned to a quick look of concern.

Disney's Peter Pan | Mouse and Castle

“But if I have 12 slingshots, what will the lost boys have?”

But Peter Pan answered his own question just as quickly as he asked.

Disney's Peter Pan | Mouse and Castle

“I guess I’ll just need more than twelve slingshots! Yeah, that’s it! I want more than twelve slingshots because the lost boys might need them, too.”

I leaned in to ask him what he’d do with all those slingshots, but he was gone! Poof! Disappeared! No goodbye of any kind!

Disney's Peter Pan | Mouse and Castle
I was glad to get the interview, and even happier it was short. I had a train to catch, and those million diamonds aren’t going to mine themselves!


Gifts Inspired by Peter Pan

Slingshot Peter Pan MugPeter Pan Jean JacketPeter Pan Tank - Women's

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